Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Ale House Inn and amazing finds of the week.

This past weekend friends opened a new business in the seaside town of Portsmouth, NH. The Ale House Inn, owned by the talented and wonderful Doug Palardy and Dan Innis was formerly the Bow Street Inn. If you have a chance to visit the Inn please do so, it's so beautiful!

While you are there here's my Portsmouth hot spots (ones that I always pop in.)
The Friendly Toast is the best place on the East Coast, sorry any other great eateries I love but hands down, the sweet potato fries with brown sugar, sour cream and Tabasco, is just ohh yeah! Their Anadama bread is very close to the kind my mother used to make (yes kids Judy made homemade bread when we were little) DEE-LISH.

At Nahcotta I have purchased many an expensive yet totally worth it indulgences of furniture and art. I also really like The Three Graces Gallery. Additionally they both host the Enormous Tiny Art Show that I obsess about and always boasts a diverse and incredible collection of artists. It's up till March 2nd. ODD SHOWROOM is a shop I always go into and say "this shop looks like Alethea Roy owns it." The woman who owns it does not know Alethea, nor Alethea she but somehow they have to be cosmically connected. I always find a treat in the Odd Showroom.

Anyway That's my lil Portsmouth tidbit, here's some fun links and things I am enjoying this week...

I am way into my Valentine GNOMES Biggie bought me. Woodblock printed and crafted by Sarah Apple they make me smile.

I have been laughing out loud and my "local adventure bug" has been pushed to a new level by The Awesome Adventures of Admiral Awesome on PLUS1TV. Go and enjoy kids. And thank you Nick Given, thank you.

I am going to CHOW at the following restaurants this week, Julians and the glorious grilled cheese mecca The Red Fez (not Boston 49 Peck St Providence.)

I'm giving this as a gift this week, good gravy please don't see this birthday boy.

I am kind of in love with this site Pattern Bee.

I need a new necklace, not really but I am going to buy one. These sisters rock my lil world. Twigs and Heather.

I am going to soak in a wooden tub. The Oasis.

Spoil yourself if you get a tax return. In the city sleep away.

Since it's getting to be Easter season I thought I'd give you this lil gem too...